Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Enroll as Customer - $77.13
Monthly Subscription - $77.13

$77.13/month (What you get)
  • CurrentSee Tracking Financial System (Automated and NOTHING like it in the industry - most user-friendly system in existence)
  • wakeupnow™ Global Debit Card by MasterCard™  (Your very own business debit card, which will track all expenditures FOR you through CurrentSee™)
  • CurrentSee Tax Deductr (Automated Tax system, which will track all of your taxes throughout the year as you pursue your business.  Calculates your taxes FOR you)
  • CurrentSee™ Rewards Program (access to Shopping Nanny, Cashback Mall, City Deals - HUGE value and alone can help off-set your monthly fee of $77.13 when saving money on what you ALREADY buy each and every day - food, gas, clothing, etc.)

**If you take the time to see the VALUE of what wakeupnow™ provides outside of the opportunity, and simply look at it from the stand-point of just being a customer, the value is incredible.  Unlike many network marketing companies in the industry, wakeupnow™ doesn't inflate the cost of their product(s) and service(s) in order to pay commissions to the very people marketing those products/services.  If you were to buy and access these services in the public market, you would pay over $100/month!  And you get them for $77.13!  Wakeupnow is one of the only companies out there who does not mark-up their products!

1 comment:

  1. Question for those of us who are in WUN for the business option... if we have someone who wants to sign up for just using the products, and not do the business, will we receive some sort of commission for that? Will any of their monthly membership fees count towards matrugen commissions, or how exactly will that work? Just curious. Thanks. :)
